So how does this work?

We’ve looked at other dog photographers in Northern Ireland. What makes you different?

Dog photography generally comes in to styles; studio & outdoor. I’m an outdoor photographer, I believe that the great outdoors provides the perfect backdrop for a dog to have a positive photography experience. They get to be a dog, smell all the great smells & stretch their legs. Most importantly your dog gets to have a fun adventure with you & you get beautiful artwork. What’s not to love.

What experience can we expect with you?

  1. Reach out. Contact me & tell me a little information about your dog. Tell me a little about their breed, age & most importantly their personality.

  2. Phone call. We’ll schedule a call & have a proper chat about your dog and what you’d like to get from the photoshoot. We’ll chat about the various packages & potential locations. I’ll answer any of your questions.

  3. The Adventure. Once you’ve paid your deposit your date is secured. On the day we’ll setoff on our adventure. We’ll strike a lovely balance between taking photos & enjoying the adventure. That means your dog has plenty of opportunity to be a dog and enjoy the fresh air & awesome smells.

  4. The Reveal. After the shoot we’ll arrange a date for you to view your gallery in person at BT4. The photos will be presented in a beautiful slideshow & we’ll then work together to pick the Artwork to suit you & your lifestyle.

  5. The Artwork. The final step is Artwork collection day. I’ll invite you back to collect your artwork & then you get to take it home & enjoy it for a lifetime.